Guest Expert appearance on The Apprentice final

Back in June 2017, I had a very unexpected email.  A TV producer had got in touch and asked me if I would be available to act as an expert judge on a show they were recording.   Little did I realise at the time that she was talking about BBC1’s The Apprentice.

A week later, I found myself sitting at a table in City Hall with a dozen or so expert judges, Lady Karren Brady, Claude Littner and Lord Alan Sugar.   To say the situation felt surreal is a bit of an understatement.   However, I was also very excited and honoured to take part in such an iconic TV moment.  

Helping SMEs to grow is my passion so to be involved in a show like this was a real delight.

The Apprentice final - Broadcast on BBC1 17th December 2017

The Apprentice final - Broadcast on BBC1 17th December 2017

Susanne Currid