Functional Drinks - Consumer Priorities

Traditionally, supplements have been the major delivery tool for functional benefits.  However, recent market research from Kerry indicates that 53% of health-conscious consumers across 7 major markets would drink beverages that contained ingredients specific to immune support.  When you place this statement alongside the massive growth in functional products addressing a broader range of consumer needs, the opportunity for this product category looks clear.

In my last article, I highlighted the health, wellbeing and beauty needs that are driving consumers to purchase a broad range of functional drinks as outlined by Kerry’s research.   Following on, I’d like to examine some of the important behaviours and priorities demonstrated by these surveyed consumers in advance of purchasing a functional beverage.

  • Quality Matters

    68% stated quality of ingredients was the most important attribute when purchasing functional products.

  • Focus Matters

    63% surveyed more likely to buy from specialist brands with a strong health agenda and focus

  • Premium for Benefits

    63.6% of consumers said they were willing to pay above a 6% premium for food and beverages with added functional benefits. 

Consumers also indicate that they are often prepared to expend effort before making a purchase.    This sees people actively researching ingredients, reading product labels and then targeting products that contain specific ingredients.   New and interesting flavours are a plus, but more than half thought nutrition was even more important than taste.    

So what marketing actions can we take from these insights?   

Here are my top three takeaways.

Highlight Quality

Make sure you clearly communicate the quality credentials of your ingredients.  For example, through your online content marketing include more details about your raw material suppliers, demonstrate quality by highlighting award-wins and accreditations on your online store, showcase your production approach on social media. 

Enable Research

Make it easy for consumer to quickly scan or dive deeper for product benefits & features.  Use information approaches to match a range of learning styles and needs e.g. photographs, graphics, videos, animations, audio clips or articles. Add QR codes to packaging to enable a deeper dive into benefits offered by your product. Highlight nutritional impact benefits through quick to scan methods e.g. creating icons to summarise product nutritional feature or benefit across your product marketing activities.

Show Brand Leadership

Show leadership by communicating a strong health agenda as part of your brand communications.

For more drinks marketing insights for independent brands make sure to follow me on LinkedIn

Source: Kerry - Functional Forecasting, November 2022